It’s 2025: let’s make fur history.


Our progress so far

  • Banning fur in fashion week events

    We have helped to write policies banning fur at London Fashion Week, Copenhagen Fashion Week and Berlin Fashion Week.

    We also helped Melbourne Fashion Week go totally wildlife-free, and to ensure the City of Sydney would not fund Australian Fashion Week if fur or other wild animals were exploited.

  • Mislabelled fur sellers issued warnings and committing to ban fur sales

    Following our work with Andy Meddick MP of the Animal Justice Party, a taskforce set up by Consumer Affairs Victoria has found instances of mislabelled fur sold at market. These sellers have been issued warnings, and one even committed to banning fur.

  • Further media coverage of mislabelled fur, including cat fur

    Our continued collaborative investigation uncovered domestic cat fur for sale in Melbourne, with coverage across the Herald Sun, the Guardian, and 132 other publications.

    Off the back of this news, we have called for a statewide ban on animal fur sales.

Why ban fur?


Everything you need to know about fur

The fur industry is an archaic, dying industry built upon death and cruelty. Fur is also not as sustainable as green-washed industry marketing would have you belief, and even has some negative health implications for those producing, and sometimes even wearing it.

Learn more

Image: Born Free USA

Fur farming and zoonotic disease

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to take lives, we must recognise the dangers that arise when we factory-farm animals. In 2020, fur farming across multiple countries closed down in fear of spreading disease, with many COVID-19 positive animals slaughtered at mass.

Learn more

Image: Oikeutta Eläimille Investigation


People want a fur ban, and prefer animal-free alternatives

Collective Fashion Justice commissioned independent polling of citizens of the City of Melbourne in collaboration with Animal Justice Party MP Andy Meddick’s office, and found that the majority of people are in support a ban on fur.

Learn more

Image: Alternatives to fur

Want more reasons to help ban fur?

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