Under their skin:
A report series on the injustices of leather production
The future of fashion is sustainable and ethical; it's time to move beyond animal-derived leather.
Leather has been seen as an unshakeable and prominent aspect of the fashion industry for millennia. The oldest intact leather shoe is over 5,500 years old, pre-dating the Pyramids of Giza by 1,000 years. But it's time for us to move forward.
Today, over 1.4 billion cattle have been bred and stand on once biodiverse land until they are slaughtered. Leather is now largely tanned with harsh carcinogenic chemicals, and destructive leather supply chains harmfully implicate workers, destroy critical habitat and pollute waterways with toxic chemicals.
Read our report series to understand these intertwined harms, and how we can move beyond them. When we work together, we have the power to transform fashion – and we have a responsibility to use this power for good.
Download the reports:

Part one: How does leather exploit humans?

“We’re like lemons – they squeeze us and then throw us away”
Too often, the human cost of leather supply chains is either ignored by the industry, or glazed over with empty promises and ethics-washing. It’s time to uncover the true physical and mental impact of this abusive and exploitative industry.

Part two: How does leather exploit the planet?

When we buy leather, we're fuelling the global climate crisis
Major emissions, deforestation, habitat and biodiversity destruction, species endangerment, land degradation and water pollution are all directly linked to the leather industry. Discover how else the industry devastates the planet.

Part 3: How does leather exploit animals

The leather industry reduces sentient individuals to commodities
The fashion and leather industry is built upon a supply chain of exploitation, mutilation, abuse and slaughter. Explore the lives of cattle in the leather supply chain and the policies that fail to protect them.

Part four: How can we justly transition beyond leather?

Fashion has always been about creativity and innovation, and we can use these as tools to build a better world
Funding which currently bolsters harmful industries can be shifted to support a just transition beyond both animal-derived and fossil fuel-based leather supply chains. In a just transition, no one is left behind.
Our steps forward for the fashion industry:
What these actions
mean for you
Shift subsidies from harmful cattle rearing, slaughtering and fossil fuel production towards a just transition
Implement more stringent legal labelling requirements to prevent green-washing
Download our report summaries for full recommendations for policy and decision makers:
Leather's impact on people
Leather's impact on the planet
Leather’s impact on animals
A just transition beyond leather
Avoid green- and ethics-washing leather goods.
Publicly commit to phasing out leather no later than 2035.
Invest in alternatives that justly move away from leather.
Download our overview and recommendations for brands and industry professionals
Leather's impact on people
Leather’s impact on the planet
Leather’s impact on animals
A just transition beyond leather
Avoid purchasing all new leather.
Share our report with your community and favourite brands.
Look for ethical and sustainable leather alternatives.
Download our overview and recommendations for citizens and leather consumers
Leather's impact on people
Leather's impact on the planet
Leather’s impact on animals
A just transition beyond leather
Our ecosystem
We’re proud to have worked with a wide range of organisations and experts in the creation of this report series. Collectively, we’re fighting for a total ethics fashion system.

What can you do?
If you’re a citizen, choose more ethical and sustainable alternatives to leather, and tell the brands you love you want them to stop using it. If you’re an industry or CSR professional that wants to help brands move away from leather, contact us below.
More resources on leather
Leather: an overview
An exploration of some of the most severe harms caused to people, animals and the planet in leather supply chains.
Next-gen leather alternatives
A growing number of innovative, ethical and sustainable alternatives to leather are available today – while they aren’t all perfect, they're creating progress.
Kangaroo leather
While our report series focusses on the impacts tied to more commonly used leather, like cow skin leather, other animals suffer for fashion, too.