10 reasons to help ban fur

Right now, around the world, there are calls to ban the sale of fur, and the farming of fur. Here are 10 reasons to support the efforts to move past farming and trapping animals for the sake of fashion…


ONE: As much as 95% of fur comes from animals who are confined to cages for their entire lives

A fox in the cage they will spend their entire life within / Jo-Anne McArthur / We Animals

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TWO: Over 100 million animals are brutally killed for their fur every year

An enormous pile of dead, skinned animals / Humane Society


THREE: ‘Farm-free’ fur is cruel too

A coyote who is about to be killed / Born Free USA

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FOUR: Fur farming spreads zoonotic disease

Mink in Denmark in a bin, after being killed en masse due to zoonotic disease spread / Mette Moerk / Ritzau Scanpix

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FIVE: Fur is not effectively biodegradable or natural

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SIX: Fur is less sustainable than even synthetic faux fur

A faux fur jacket from House of Fluff

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SEVEN: Fur production can be deadly for human workers

A table on chemicals used in fur dressing and the effects of them on health, from ACT Asia’s report Toxic Fur: A Global Issue

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EIGHT: The animal fur industry is highly pollutive 

Image by Greenpeace from the Toxic Fur report, addressing health and environmental impacts of the chemicals used to process fur


NINE: Animals exist in their own right, as sentient individuals


TEN: There are total ethics fur-like materials

How can we ban fur?

There are already bans on farming fur across Slovakia, Serbia, Luxembourg, Norway, Croatia, Czech Republic, Macedonia, Slovenia, Bosnia, Belgium, and the UK to name a few. There are bans on the sale of new fur over California, Los Angeles, San Francisco, São Paulo, and the City of Sydney.

If you live in Australia, you can join our campaign to ban fur here.

No matter where you live, you can get involved in grass-roots campaigns working towards brand commitments to go fur-free.


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