Want to care for the planet and all those living on it?
Learn why fashion is moving beyond these materials.
Animal-derived materials, virgin synthetics derived from fossil fuels, cellulosic materials made from destroyed old-growth forests and conventional cotton all come with serious harms to human and non-human animals, and the planet we share.
Learn more about these materials:
Animal-derived materials
Animal-derived materials are produced through the exploitation and slaughter of individuals who exist in their own right, not as commodities. Too, these supply chains are intertwined with human harms, and scientifically recognised environmental devastation. Fortunately, there are a growing number of wonderful alternatives.
Virgin synthetics derived from fossil fuels
The science is clear, we must transition beyond the use of fossil fuels, which means we must move beyond making materials from them, too. What's more, synthetics shed harmful plastic microfibres when washed. With the majority of textiles made from fossil fuels today, we must act together for positive change.
Uncertified cellulosic materials
Forests are like lungs on this planet, we need them to survive. Cellulose materials are made from wood pulp, and if they're not certified to come from sustainable sources, they're often coming from desecrated old-growth forests. Responsibly sourced alternatives exist, and we need to make them the norm.
Conventional cotton
There are plenty of ways to source cotton in a way which respects the planet and those living on it, but too often, cotton comes with major risks for human rights violations, soil degradation, and needlessly high chemical inputs. The many cotton farmers doing the right thing should be supported.