Organisations that have signed onto the:
Total ethics fashion manifesto
Slow Fashion Movement
“At the face of climate catastrophe and anthropogenic impact, total ethics fashion is ushering way to a system that stands at the intersection of people and planet. The manifesto serves as a fuel to the change of approach that the present fashion system needs - to prioritize life and wellbeing for all, before profit and production.
Slow fashion movement advocates a mindset shift - to slow down, connect & choose consciously. A constant strive to navigate into a well-rounded fashion ecosystem is pivotal and can be achieved if we aim for a total ethics fashion system.” -
Center for Biological Diversity
“The exploitation of workers, animals, and the environment has been woven into the fashion industry for far too long. It's time for the industry to take a stand against greenwashing and ethics washing and embrace a just transition that prioritizes people, animals, and the planet over profit.”
Creatives 4 Change
“In what manner shall we continue to enjoy fashion as a form of self-expression, knowing that certain articles of clothing have arrived on our body, via a journey fraught with cruelty, injustice and environmental destruction? Surely, we should use the knowledge available to us, in order to make more compassionate choices, rather than turning an indifferent eye to the deafening cries of the industry’s watchdogs, so that we can wear a so-called badge of ‘luxury’.
We at Creatives 4 Change support the total ethics manifesto.” -
Defend the Wild
“Defend the Wild endorses the total ethics fashion manifesto as we believe in a fashion system that prioritises the protect of Australia’s wild animals, the environments they inhabit and the people impacted by unsustainable fashion practices.”
Material Innovation Initiative
“MII's mission of fostering collaboration in the development of next-generation materials aligns seamlessly with the total ethics fashion manifesto. We both envision a future where the priority is the well-being of people, animals, and the planet, rather than profit and production. Recognizing the significance of collective efforts, MII is eager to join in the pursuit of a just transition that can bring about meaningful and radical transformations over time. This shared commitment emphasizes the importance of progress toward a more sustainable and ethical future for our planet.”
Fashion Revolution India
“A just transition is the bridge to a better world. the total ethics manifesto lights the way, outlining how fashion can evolve into a system that ensures fairness for people, animals, and the environment.”
“Stand.earth supports the total ethics manifesto because the wellbeing of people, animals and the planet are inextricably linked.
Fashion’s negative climate impact is as high as its profits, and the farment workers and communities who make those profits possible are the same people feeling the impacts most. A just and radical transition away from harmful, extractive and colonial systems and towards a new model of slow, circular and true sustainability which centres people and supports biodiversity isn’t just possible – it’s essential.”
Global Fashion Exhange
“We endorse the manifesto to help create a more positive fashion industry and help people and planet.”
WaterBear Network
“At WaterBear we fully endorse the manifesto as we believe that systems change is needed across industries - not only to meet the climate targets but to transform and design our society that is fair and inclusive - where people, animals and the planet are valued in the right way. And it’s not impossible, as long as we focus our attention and awareness on the solutions and opportunities we can - and must - work towards a new system that is both sustainable and equitable for all.”
“ACTAsia endorses the total ethics manifesto and shares the belief that the interconnection of animals, people and the environment is key for global One Health. Fur free is a vital first step towards sustainability but many more steps are needed to make systemic change to end factory farming, to protect people and to prevent further loss of biodiversity.
New materials are constantly being developed and scaled up; we have the tools to do things differently and now is the time to act. ACTAsia believes that education surrounding a total ethics fashion system can - and will - drive long term sustainable change in the fashion industry.” -
ReFaCE Regenerative Fashion Collaborative Exchange
“Fashion as we know it is out of fashion. Cheaper, faster, fashion is trending while it destroys the planet. Healing the planet requires an overhaul of the fashion industry. By establishing a regenerative textile industry in Africa, ReFaCE is redefining fashion from an industry of destruction to one of restoration and replenishment. ReFaCE is the new face of fashion.”
Humane Society International Australia
“Humane Society International (HSI) Australia supports the total ethics fashion manifesto because we have campaigned for decades to build an ecologically sustainable and humane world for all animals and their habitats, where people treat animals and nature with respect and compassion. Wild animals suffer immeasurably when commercially exploited, so our work continues to help them. We advocate for an end to factory farming and the close confinement of farm animals, and lobby for improved farming practices such as an end to mulesing by the wool industry. Protecting all animals and our fragile planet is paramount for both their future, and for ours.”
World Animal Protection
Millions of animals currently suffer in a system which undermines the most basic principles of animal welfare. We endorse the total ethics manifesto because we firmly believe in a fashion industry which embraces innovation over exploitation.
We will continue to work with our partners and the industry in moving towards ethical and sustainable solutions for animals, people, and our planet.
Voiceless: the animal protection institute
“Voiceless is delighted to endorse the total ethics fashion manifesto as we believe in supporting impactful initiatives that create a more just, equitable world where animals can flourish.”
Animal Justice Party
“Humanity cannot justify brutalising or extinguishing the lives of animals for our own comfort or fashion entertainment especially given that there are plant-based alternatives available to replace fur, wool and skins. We cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the suffering inflicted by humans on non-human animals and simultaneously expect that we can have a society that is just, an environment that is sustainable, and economic processes that are fair and ethical.”
Climate Save Movement
“A just transition towards an animal-free ethics fashion system is key to combatting the climate crisis.”
Rebecca Ballard Advisory
We believe this is the path forward to systems change and a better way, and we were are here to partner and support.
Animal Save Movement
“An ethical fashion system is one which does not exploit and harm animals.”
Permaculture for Refugees
“We are aware of the awful lives of people who sew and make clothes and the environmental cost.”
Operation Future Hope
“It is essential we educate young people about the truth of the impact of unethical practice within the fashion industry - they have the power to bring about change and build a future that is ethical for all species on Earth and within Planetary boundaries that allow all beings of nature to thrive on Earth.”
Sustainable Design Alliance
“There is no justification - moral nor technical - for including animals in the fashion supply chain. We can be animal-free today, and we should be.”
Plant Based Treaty
“We cannot build a sustainable future without addressing the impact of fashion on both human and non-human animals and the planet.”
We Animals Media
“We are signing because we are long past the time where we need to confine and kill animals to feel comfortable and look fashionable. Thanks to kinder consumers and legislation, fur farms are shuttering around the world - let's keep up this progress!”
Sustainability needs to be part of all aspects of our life(style) and the fashion industry has a detrimental effect on animal welfare, human wellbeing and the environment.
Viva! supports the manifesto because the world needs positive solutions to our dire situation where institutionalised human and animal cruelty, and eco-damage are too often the norm in the fashion industry.
Plant Based News
We are proud to endorse Collective Fashion Justice, a visionary organisation that is transforming the fashion industry for the better. Collective Fashion Justice advocates for a total ethics approach to fashion, which means respecting the rights and dignity of all living beings involved in the production and consumption of clothing.
By endorsing their manifesto, we are showing our commitment to a fashion future that is not only stylish, but also ethical. We believe that fashion can be a force for good, if we align it with our values and principles. We invite you to join us in supporting Collective Fashion Justice and their work to create a fashion system that upholds total ethics. Together, we can make fashion a source of joy, not of suffering.