1.7 million of you have signed the Fur Free Europe petition!
Animals on fur farms live in intense confinement, in row upon row of small barren cages. They suffer from self-mutilation, infected wounds, missing limbs and cannibalism. Fur farming contravenes even the most basic concept of animal welfare.
The European Citizens’ Initiative “Fur Free Europe” calls on the EU to:
Ban fur farms
Ban farmed fur products from the European market
Thank you for your support so far: now, there’s more work for us to do to ensure this becomes law.

Got questions about the European Citizen’s Initiative?
Fur farming and its products should become a bad memory from the past: now it’s time for a Fur Free Europe. There is an unprecedented opportunity to make it happen in the European Union:
The fur industry is facing an economic and animal health crisis due to COVID-19.
12 EU countries have recently called on the European Commission to investigate options for the permanent prohibition of fur farming in the EU and to present a legislative proposal to achieve this goal.
The European Commission is currently reviewing the EU’s animal welfare legislation. This revision presents an opportunity to introduce a ban on both the production and trade of farmed fur.
Hundreds of brands have gone fur free, responding to the ethical demands of their customers.
The European Citizens' Initiative is a unique and effective way for EU citizens to help shape our future by calling on the European Commission to propose new laws.
This is not just a petition. Once an initiative has reached 1 million validated signatures, the European Commission is obliged to respond and take action.
In order to achieve this, the Initiative requires citizens to provide personal data to validate their support. Be assured that your information can only be used for the support of this Initiative, and not for other purposes. Fur Free Europe is following all legal requirements, GDPR and data protection rules.
Why ban fur farming and farmed fur products?
There is no acceptable way for the fashion industry to kill any animal for the sake of fur sales. Animals confined and killed by the fur industry suffer horrifically, even self mutilating as a result of their torment.
Learn more about fur and the animals it belongs to
Image: Oikeutta Eläimille Investigation
Fur farms pose a risk to animal and human health. During the COVID-19 pandemic, hundreds of mink farms were affected by coronavirus outbreaks, and new variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus were found to have been transmitted to humans from animals.
Fur farming has a significant climate and wider environmental impact.
The fur industry poses a serious threat to native biodiversity, and the dressing and dyeing of fur involves the use of toxic chemicals.
Learn more about fur farming and the planet
Image: Fur Free Alliance