How can I get active for total ethics fashion in my community?
If you’re passionate about total ethics fashion that protects people, our fellow animals and the planet before profit, engaging your community is a great way to help make change. Here are a few ways you can get started:
Share our educational resources with your friends, family, peers and wider community.
People can’t contribute to a total ethics fashion system easily if they don’t understand what it is, and why it matters. Why not order or print out some copies of our total ethics fashion primer booklet, or our reports (on leather, wool, and wild animals in fashion) to share with your community? While digital copies are great to share with people you know and in online forums, printed copies of our resources can be offered to local cafes, libraries and other places where printed resources are available to people.
Host a film screening
Hosting a film screening with your friends and family, or your wider community, is a great way to introduce issues and solutions in fashion to them. There are a number of great films that can be screened:
SLAY – a feature documentary on the use of fur, leather and wool in fashion, and how these impact animals, the planet and people.
Willow & Claude – a short, 20 minute film on total ethics knitwear, wool, synthetics and plant-based solutions in the fashion industry.
Films Collective Fashion Justice did not help to create, but which are worth watching include Made in Bangladesh and The True Cost.
Want to organise a large screening? Get in touch and we can help.
Put on an event for total ethics fashion
Collective Fashion Justice has hosted events before made up of a clothing swap, panel discussion and film screening. Events like these are a chance for people to come together, share ideas about how we can create total ethics fashion together, and get involved. If you’re interested in hosting an event like this, get in touch and we can help.
Build a community pressure campaign
Public outreach, advocacy and protest are great ways to get involved in creating total ethics fashion. Grass-roots action can be effective in changing businesses to more responsible practices. Is there a store near you selling fur? Why not send a letter to the store, asking them to choose more just and sustainable alternatives? If you don’t have any luck, why not create leaflets from CFJ resources to share with your community, encouraging everyone to ask the store to stop selling fur? There are lots of ways to escalate your action until your goal is reached, and to build a network of advocates while doing so.
Have a read of our article on pressure campaigning if you’d like to explore this!
Extinction Rebellion protestors photographed by Immo Klink